Jeff Tinsley

When You Want to Find Out More About an Online Match, MyLife Has You Covered

When You Want to Find Out More About an Online Match, MyLife Has You Covered

Online dating is more prevalent than ever. Nearly 40 percent of American couples first meet online, and the digital dating experience has had many positive outcomes, such as higher interracial marriages and more relationships across education levels and religions. While online dating was stigmatized in its earlier years, we now understand that it’s simply another way to connect with others in our modern times, and that there are some significant benefits to meeting online.

At the same time, online dating scams and people who are not who they say they are have put a major damper on the prospect of connecting digitally. Collectively, millions of dollars have been lost to online dating scams, according to the FTC. And after being misled and tricked while attempting to open up to others, it can hurt beyond financial loss. So at this point, would it really be offensive to look up someone’s reputation before pursuing them online? Would it be offensive if they did it to you? You can’t really blame someone; better safe than sorry, after all. As they say, trust, but verify.

Knowing more about your match beforehand is the best way to feel comfortable with moving forward. You don’t need to learn their life story or find out their personality — but you do need to know if they are who they say and whether or not they are reputable.

How does MyLife help?

MyLife addresses the issues presented by online dating in many ways.

According to research by FTI Consulting, people from all age groups show a high degree of interest in the idea of a “reputation score,” such as the ones provided by MyLife. Four out of five of those surveyed found the idea of a reputation checker appealing as well, with 33 percent claiming that it would be the most appealing to use with relationship partners.

MyLife’s constantly updated Reputation Scores are based on background details, personal reviews and social media posts. So if you are matched with someone through a dating platform, searching their name on MyLife and viewing their Reputation Score can provide the brief glimpse that you need to determine whether or not their match is trustworthy or not. This resource can help provide online daters with piece of mind as they attempt to find connections.

In addition, MyLife has specifically developed new identity verification enhancements that are aimed at making dating sites safer. The resulting tool would be simple to use: a button would be added to profiles that can be clicked in order to check and verify a person’s identity, and easily access their reputation details. You’ll instantly be able to know that they are being honest about their identity, and get a sense of how reputable they are — meaning that you won’t waste time pursuing dubious people who are just trying to scam you. This will fundamentally increase safety and make it far more convenient to date online. Read my previous blog to hear more about it, and about why MyLife is pursuing this offering.

Finding the truth is an instrumental part of navigating the internet, as well as one’s own personal life. With online dating, both of those things are deeply intertwined, making it all the more essential for the services that MyLife offers. Visit MyLife’s site to learn more about how we can help keep you safe online.

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